1. Five Leaves Left: A Tribute To Nick Drake – Jason Parker Quartet
© Copyright-Jason Parker Music(859705710352)
Record Label: Broken Time Records
I don’t remember the first time I heard Nick Drake’s music, but I do remember that it was the song “Time Has Told Me”. Fitting that I should start with the first song from his debut album. I became a life-long fan at that moment and have spent many hours listening to his three studio albums and all of the other recordings that have surfaced since his untimely death in 1974.
A few years ago taught myself to play that song and a few others of Nick’s on the piano and in doing so, I realized how well suited they are for interpretation and exploration. His songs are full of emotion, yet sparse enough to lend themselves a variety of arrangements, and they match the open-ended style of the JPQ perfectly. I decided to do an arrangement of the song “Three Hours” for the band, and it came out so well that we ended up recording it for our last album, “No More, No Less”. That song became one of our signature tunes, and the reaction we received every time we played it was a pleasant surprise to me. I was happy to see our music and Nick’s music coming together to resonate so profoundly in others.
I had been wanting to pay tribute to Nick in a larger way, and decided to pick my favorite songs from his catalog for a new CD. As I listened through all his tunes, I kept coming back to the ten songs on Five Leaves Left. The album is such a mature and perfect statement. I realized that I couldn’t separate any individual songs from the totality of the album, and thus the idea was born to record the one album in its entirety as our tribute to Nick Drake.
“Why Nick Drake?” you might ask. All I can tell you is that his music spoke to me from the very first time I heard his delicate voice and incredible guitar work. Listening to his music conjures up images of the stark British countryside, fog rolling over the moors, rain sweeping the windows. Sounds like Seattle, doesn’t it? Perhaps that’s why his music resonates with me so profoundly – because it speaks to my sense of place, my home. Whatever the case, Nick’s music touches me deeply. It is also perfectly suited to the JPQ. The songs are fairly simple harmonically, which leaves us ample room to improvise and put our own stamp on them while remaining true to Nick’s original intent and feeling.
More info, including extended liner notes, track-by-track stories about the songs, recordings and studio experience, audio and video can be found at fiveleavesleft.jasonparkerquartet.com
review via CDBaby – purchase the LP below
2. UpSkirting – The Perverts
© Copyright-Jacobs/Jacobs/Sampson/Rajkovic(634479136917)
Record Label: The Perverts
The Perverts have been busy in the past two years. Since forming in March 2003, the Eugene punk trio has released an EP, and now two full-length albums.
“Porn on the Cob,” released in October 2003, was the band’s full-length debut. Now, Rob Jacobs (guitar and vocals), Kasey Rajkovic (drums and vocals) and Nate Sampson (bass) are ready to unleash a new collection of rockin’ punk tunes about – what else – sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.
According to the band’s publicity material, the Perverts liken themselves to ’70s-era punk – the Ramones, the Sex Pistols and early Clash. The new record, “Upskirting,” features 13 original – and catchy – songs that reflect those influences.
The Pervs certainly aren’t afraid of a pop hook, especially on songs such as “I Don’t Get It,” “I Don’t Care’ and “Infected.’ “Big Bad Mike” has a Kings of Leon-esque riff. (Or maybe the Kings’ “Molly’s Chambers” has a Perverts-esque riff.)
review via CDBaby – purchase the LP below
3. Soapbox – Heroes and Villains
© Copyright-Heroes and Villains(885767861848)
Record Label: HandV Band Inc.
Heroes and Villains’ sophomore long play album, Soapbox, was created in the midst of a changing outlook on life. Throwing genre to the wind, they mix elements of every kind of music they adore, to create a winding musical narrative that will remind you of a mixtape or ipod playlist filled with your favorite music. Lyrically, the songs themselves deals with science, the afterlife, mental illness and the perceivable nature of the universe. It makes no judgments but it certainly has an opinion.
review via CDBaby – purchase the LP below