Hi, I’m Ali ingle. A 22 yr old singer/songwriter from Liverpool. I started playing guitar and writing at about 16. A great love of music and words are what drive me. I am hoping to create honest music for a generation of dreamers.
I have independently released my debut EP THE MAN AND THE MONSTER, which is available to buy at itunes, Amazon and Spotify. From this Ep I have released two singles, both came with official videos that I wrote, directed and starred in, you can view them on Youtube.
01. How did you get started in music?
I was always a big fan of music and I started by putting some really short one minute songs up on the ancient wonder that is Myspace. The reason they were only a minute long was because that was the longest I could record for on the computer I had at the time. From there I was offered a gig, and the rest is as they say ‘history’.
02. Where did your obvious love of film and visuals originate from?
I guess like most people i have my parents to thank for that. I remember sitting up with my Mum as a child watching films like ‘The Deer Hunter’ and ‘Leon’. As well as watching ‘Apocalypse now’ with my Dad. I just always loved the magic and creativity behind films. The fact that it is probably the only time I can sit still for more than 5 minutes as well. With the videos I’ve been putting out I just wanted to show my own love for film with my music as the soundtrack.
03. Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
My major influences musically were always artists such as Van Morrison, Billy Bragg, David Gray, Jeff Buckley. All the heavyweight songwriters that have shown me and many more, a way to express yourself. I don’t dare say I despise anyone! I’ve been lucky enough to have very few run in’s with the arseholes that seem to outline the business.
04. What drove you to make this type of music?
There was no intent for style or sound. The sound I have is just what came naturally. When I write a song I try not to think about style. Originality is the key. Or at least as much originality as possible.
05. What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows then & possibly even now?
I always try and bring something different to the live shows. More rawness and energy. Some of my favourite gigs I’ve ever been to sounded nothing like the recordings. That doesn’t mean I don’t play to the best of my ability and I even try to be better live than the recordings.
06. What frames your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
I deal with things everyone goes through. I’m lucky to come from a very working class background and to be so connected with people around me. I think the moment I start distancing myself is the moment I won’t understand what people want to hear. I’m inspired by everything that goes on around me, from love, lust, hope, despair, anger and the frustrations we all face in the world we live in.
07. How did your music evolve since you first began playing?
I think like anything I just got better with time. I worked on my writing and playing and through meeting new people and collaborating a lot I learnt new techniques. If you are not going forwards, your are going backwards.
08. What has been your biggest challenge? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
My biggest challenge came before releasing the first EP. I had no money, I’d lost most of my interest through laziness and sitting on the bench, and I was honestly ready to give up. If I didn’t have so many people around me who believe in me, I don’t think I would have carried on.
09. Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
I don’t play covers but a song I do like a lot is Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits. I’ve played it to myself and to people I know, but I’d never play a cover at a gig unless the moment called for it.
10. What do you love and hate outside of music?
As I said earlier, another big passion is films. I’ve always secretly dreamed of being an actor or director and I think we all need a dream that we don’t necessarily intend to come true. If we achieve every dream we’d lose the will to want and try. I play sports occasionally but I think if we were involved in a classroom game I’d be picked last sadly. I think when it comes to hate the only things I dislike certain types of people. I mean I love most people, but there are so many who can bring us down, and stop us from moving on. They are the only things that make me angry or blue.
11. Who would you most like to record with?
I think I’ve been lucky enough to record with a lot of people I have admired. It would be so good to record with Regina Spektor or David Gray. I love the quirkiness and amazing voice of Regina, and David Gray has been the biggest inspiration in my life. So it just makes sense.
12. What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
Well the new EP is due for release late October. There will be a video for the first single from that EP. And I will follow it up with many gigs and more videos. So please keep listening and watching and I’ll keep doing my best to entertain the people who are fantastic enough to care. xx