The Lovely Eggs bring their own artful autonomy and pickled noir humour to a growing list of original, virant and offbeat compositions, films, gig/parties with a bold visual and cinematic flavour that really should be on the National Schools Ciriculum to dispel the whiff of ‘X Factor’ drudgery and all of its equivalents. Art meets real life talent, we introduce The Lovely Eggs, your own real, new favourite everyday band!
David Blackwell: drums, guitar, tamb, other stuff.
Holly Ross: Singing, guitar, tamb, other stuff.
01 How did the band get together?
In Paris in 2006.
02 Where did your name come from?
A pigeon laid two eggs in an abandoned nest on our bathroom windowsill.The eggs were incubating while we were writing our first songs. Then during the summer they hatched and that is when we flew back to England and formed our band. It just seemed a natural name. There were two of them and two of us and we were born at the same time.
03 Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
We are influenced a lot by everyday life. A lot of our songs are quite observational about the ridiculous things people get up to every day. So in a way just getting up in a morning and mooching round is a big inspiration to us. It’s good living in Lancaster, which is a small northern town, so you know everyone and its funny to see life tick along. We’re also influenced by the obvious poets and writers and artists and that predictable stuff. Our favourite is Richard Brautigan. We don’t despise anyone.
04 What drove you to make music together?
We just wanted to be in a band where there were no rules where we could be free to make exactly the music we wanted to hear.That seems hard for some bands these days but it is really easy!
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows then & possibly even now?
We like to have a party at our gigs. Parties are timeless.
06 Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
David’s mum. We write about everything in the life capsule.
07 How did your music evolved since you first began playing together?
We maybe sound more powerful now. When we first started David had never played drums before. We had a lot of soft songs when we first started. Now we are more wild and raw.
08 What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
Our biggest challenge was probably touring across America for 21 days in a car with another band and all the equipment WITHOUT Strongbow!
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
We’re generally not into playing covers, although we once did a cover of It’s Spooky by Jad Fair and Daniel Johnston for a B side of our Halloween single Haunt Me Out. We also covered Hotpants Romance before just to make them scream!
10 Where did you envisage the band being in five years time?
Depends what day, but if it’s January 16th 2017 we’ll probably be mooching round our mums house.
11 Who would you most like to record with?
Well Jonathan Richman would be pretty good.
12 What should we be expecting from the band in the near future?
Some more records, some more gigs and a bit of falling about.
Thanks To The Lovely Eggs