The Lone Groover is Brian Caulfield – a one-man-and-a-guitar outfit who channels his love of folk, punk, and Americana into classic songs of beauty and passion. EYEPLUG caught up with him to hurl some questions his way:
01 How did you get started?
After being in a number of hard working bands over the years, the last one folding in 2009, I felt it was time to go it alone. This was partly out of necessity, because it becomes increasingly difficult for older geezers to get a (decent) band together, and the thought of going through the whole audition process filled me with dread. Also, as a relatively new dad it’s meant I can rehearse at home in between nappy changes. Initially, I wasn’t sure about going solo but after each gig I just became more confident with the reaction I was getting and realised that this was the way forward for me.
02 Where did your name come from?
I appropriated it from a cartoon strip that used to be in the NME in the late 70’s. I’ve never hid the fact that I got it from somewhere else. I’ve taken it as a loving tribute to a great, intelligent, funny cartoon strip about the music biz, and a wonderful period in time. It’s very nostalgic for me – I give out copies of the original strips at gigs – Tony Benyon (who created The Lone Groover) was the man. I’ve become something of an authority on both Lone Groovers.
03 Who are your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
I have a lot of influences musical and otherwise, but as I’ve said many times – ‘I wanna walk like The Clash and sound like Bob Dylan’. I no longer have the energy to despise, though there’s always a few who get the blood if not boiling, then lukewarm.
04 What drives you to make music?
I love to write – it’s something I’m pretty good at. There’s always something (an emotion, a phrase you hear, a topical story, a conversation etc) that starts the ball rolling and is worth putting down on paper, though I understand that not every idea or song is a good one, so quality control is important too. I also love to play live, a good gig is a great thing whether as a performer or a punter – that’s what it’s all about in some respect.
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live show?
A one man and guitar outfit who thinks he’s a full band. I’m not an introspective singer songwriter type – I’m very physical and can still pull off a few rock moves when I need to. But I also speak to the audience as adults in between songs to build a rapport. So in a nutshell, great songs, groovy clobber, old school sensibilities and talkin’ jive.
06 Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
Living, loving and lounging in early 21st century Britain, a smattering of pop culture references, trips down memory lane, state of the nation addresses, observations on modern life, politics with a small ‘p’, the ageing process, and of course peace, love and harmony.
07 How has your music evolved since you first began playing?
What can I say, I just keep on getting better……
08 What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
Not having a band but making sure the songs still have depth and gravitas has been the biggest challenge. All the tricks you learn in a band (and all the instruments you have at your disposal) are suddenly removed so you need to learn new tricks pretty quickly. When solo, it’s much harder to keep the interest of the crowd so you need to develop interesting ways in how to engage them. Having good songs is a starting point but that’s not always enough. You need to also, dare I say it; ‘entertain’. I also know that I can’t compete with a full blown group but I’m a bloody great support act for them.
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
I always play one or two covers – it’s one of my strengths as a performer – I really enjoy re-interpreting other songs on just an acoustic guitar. I like to choose ones that on paper don’t sound as if they should, or could be done on just a guitar. It’s a real challenge as it’s important that I do them justice. I’m always a fan of the original. I currently do ‘Eton Rifles’, ‘Sound Of The Suburbs’, ‘Fight For Your Right (To Party)’, and my piece de resistance ‘Young Americans’. I’ll continue to pick them out as I go along.
10 Where do you envisage being in five years time?
Well, I can’t split up with myself over musical differences I suppose…
11 Who would you most like to record with?
I’d like Nick Lowe to produce me fronting a group with Mani on Bass, Charlie Watts on drums, Steve Nieve – Keyboards, Johnny Marr – Guitar, Ronnie Spector – BV’s, ha ha ha! Fucking old school or what? I am a product of my time –failing that, Lady Gaga!
12 What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
Gigs, gigs and more gigs – in London and beyond. The more people who attend the shows the more likely I get asked back, but it’s a tough sport and there’s a lot of competition, so please come to the gigs and check out the usual suspect network sites. Also I’ll soon be recording my 2nd EP with an accompanying low maintenance video to one of the songs. (1st EP – Folk Music For City Dwellers, still available)