Dara is a singer songwriter whose brand of story telling encompasses tales of heartache, despair and occasionally redemption. With the raw honesty of his songs and delivery, his soulful blend of rock, alt. country and blues calls to mind Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young as influences. A melting pot for the early music he heard, he picked up a guitar in his teens and started writing songs and forming bands. Graduating from an old cassette player to a 4 track and from bedroom jams to the club scene, he released records, which gained acclaim from UK as well as US radio and press. From here he stripped down his music and continued writing and singing his own songs. With a guitar in hand he has built an audience as a solo performer. All of this leads to a new collection of songs cut live in a couple of days at Milk Studios with Tom Aitkenhead. It presents Dara on vocals and guitars framing acoustic tunes with electric guitar. The eponymous album Dara is about mood and emotion and humanity. From the haunting opener Guilt to the blues stomp of Judgment Day to the gospel tinge of Alright, the album Dara takes you on a search for the truth in an oft-deceptive modern world.
01. How did you get started in music?
As a listener, then strumming a tennis racquet, which I was pretty good at, and finally graduating to a guitar!
02. Where did your direction come from?
From my folks, TV & radio, fashion, friends etc.
03. Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
Musically from AC/DC to Neil Young, from Elvis to Pantera, from Townes to NIN, from Natalie Merchant to Bjork, the list is endless and grows continuously, covering decades and genres. I pretty much like and am inspired by something from every era and genre.
I don’t despise anyone, maybe certain politicians and policies, but If we’re talking music there’s something to take out of everything, it might not all be to your taste but there’ll be something in there if you just take your head out of your arse!
04. What inspires you to make your current type of songs?
Nothing different in terms of the song itself, lyrically its what’s going on now, musically its what I’m feeling now. The presentation is in a different format on this record.
05. What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows then & possibly even now?
Dark and light… and shades in between!
06. How do you begin your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
No set way really, it could come from a melody, a bunch of chords or a lyric. Thematically it’s everything from stories I hear and read about or even overhear, to stories that immediately affect me and people around me. I kind of try to retell them from different perspectives, objectively or subjectively… perhaps to sort them out in my own head really.
07. How did your music evolved since you first began playing?
Naturally. Life, surroundings, people, music etc… are continual influences, so it’s a natural evolution. Technically I’m a better songwriter/guitarist/singer or at least I hope that I am or I might as well try something else!
08. What has been your biggest challenge? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
Being heard in a saturated market place. It’s a good time for songwriters at the moment in terms of coverage. I’m getting coverage and people are writing nice things about the record so I guess I’m slowly overcoming the challenges.
09. Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
I don’t, but if and when I do I would pick something that I could make my own… I stay away from Karaoke!
10. Where did you envisage being in five years time?
Making better records, selling more records, playing to more people!
11. Who would you most like to record with?
Too many to mention everyone I have ever liked, dead and alive!
12. What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
A new record and a tour soon!