The Only Ones (Peter Perret): Book Review by Colin Bryce

A brief Eyeplug Interview with Nina Antonia
Eyeplug: Congratulations on having the One and Only book back out again. I was wondering how many times a month you got asked where someone could get a copy of the One and Only before it finally came to being re-released?
Nina: I was getting at least two requests a month which might not sound much but people have been asking where they could get reasonably priced copies from for at least a decade. One of the issues was that ‘The One & Only’ was being sold through specialist dealers at ridiculous prices and it didn’t seem right that people were paying £50 upwards for a copy, one guy on ABE books had it listed for £190! It’s outrageous, I heard from a woman on Facebook who told me she’d been working two jobs so she could afford a copy. I love books but they really shouldn’t just be the province of the wealthy or the specialist collector.
Eyeplug: I’ve noticed a couple of very recent photos of you with Peter. He looks so much healthier than when the Only Ones got back together a few years back.
Nina: If you’ve read the last chapter of the newly revised book then you will understand why, as Peter is now totally drug free, a huge achievement after so many years. His creative energy has returned and it shows. He’s been back in the studio and there are some UK gigs lined up as well for this year. We are also going to be doing an ‘In Conversation’ as part of the Louder Than Words literary and music festival on July 15th, in the Elgar Room of the Albert Hall, after which Peter will also be performing some songs.
Eyeplug: Anything coming up you feel free to talk about?
Nina: It’s been a pretty busy year so far but one of the highlights was co-writing a song with Neal X, formerly of Sigue Sigue Sputnik. I originally met Neal via Johnny Thunders and Tony James many years ago. Neal’s got a great new band together called The Montecristos and he asked me if I’d like to help with the lyrics on one particular track, ‘Born to Rock n’ Roll’ which is the title of the album (available through Easy Action) the song has had some radio play and hopefully we’ll be doing some more stuff together. I’m also permanently on call for the proposed Johnny Thunders bio-pic based on the authorized biography ‘In Cold Blood’ which is in the pre-production phase. These things take a while – but progress is being made!!
Nina Antonia: The One and Only – Peter Perrett, Homme Fatale
(Thin Man Press)
The 2015 updated and revised version of Nina Antonia’s extraordinary The One and Only is finally here! Of all the great rock’n’roll biographies this is indeed one of the very best. It is both wonderfully written and diligently researched by Ms. Antonia. Nina’s close ties with the Perrett family, the Only Ones band themselves and various members of their camp, enables her to closely and most eloquently define the important relationships, health struggles and old-fashioned rock’n’roll debauchery of Mr. Perrett and those closest to him. Not only has Perrett spent some considerable time in the drug wilderness and crafted some of the greatest rock’n’roll that is still cherished the world over but he has been able to finally emerge from the mists and shadows of his addictions-led lifestyle. Damaged a bit to be sure, but determined to enjoy his creativity, his family and to be able to provide us fans again some memorable musical times courtesy his unique lyrical vision and sound. This fresh off the press edition features a 2015 Epilogue, a brand new interview with Peter Perrett dated February 2015, and some re-named and revised chapters.
The One and Only has been out of print for well over a decade now with used copies in high demand Thin Man Press wisely saw to get it back on the street and into the hands of the fans of the legendary Only Ones front man Peter Perrett and the Only Ones band themselves. Many thanks for that!
Antonia’s previous works include; the definitive Johnny Thunders bio In Cold Blood, Too Much Too Soon which chronicles the rise and fall of the New York Dolls, The Prettiest Star which focuses on the glam-era coulda/shoulda been artist Brett Smiley and Nina’s own thoughts and feelings during those glittering days. All of which are well worth investigating further. (ISBN-10: 0993014119)
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