DozenQ – The Orders

The Orders are a power trio from the Isle of Wight with influences from Indie and Psychedelic Rock. The band consist of Kyle Chapman – (singer, guitarist), Isaac Snow – (bassist, backing singer) and Joe Rowe – (drummer). These three youngsters, hit you hard with twisted sounds that could be shot through a silent gun making a very big impact indeed. Eyeplug recently caught up with them after their super slot on the mainstage at the Isle of Wight Festival.
01 How did you get started?
We started the band up in high school 2013 April through me knowing our bassist Isaac through middle school and then meeting Joe our drummer in high school. Me and Isaac had been mates since middle school and had always played guitar together, after about a year into high school I was itching to start a band and then something came together with a few high school mates including Joe it didn’t work out with the others but I brought Isaac into the band to play Bass guitar and together we formed our trio. We heard there was an Isle of Wight Festival daytime slot available for musicians and bands from our high school and we got a half hour set of 60s and punk covers and played a small stage at the festival which was our first gig of 2013.
02 Where did your name come from, being based on the IOW how does that influence things?
The name ‘The Orders’ came about from suggesting loads of band names I suggested ‘the standing orders’ after a pub in Southampton and that got turned down but after a while of deciding we went with ‘The Orders’, being IOW based is difficult because it’s a small community for musicians, we’re stuck on an island and occasionally we visit the mainland but we will always have to return to the island thatis our home.
03 Who are your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
Lots of musicians influence us, I look up to bands that are interesting musically and live like the Fat White Family a new underground band, there music is very creative but very raw and dirty sounding. Iv seen them live 3 times and there shows are always mental. Also the more obvious bands of today like the Libertines and Tame Impala inspire us musically too. I hate the corporate side of things in music, always over polished, always done by the book. Those sort of artists get it easy, they have songwriters to write their songs but they get all the credit, the songwriting is the most important thing in music but they get to sing other people’s songs and earn millions. Simon Cowell and all his merry men are tossers, there’s no excitement in that.
04 What drives you to make music?
People drive us to make music, we do it to be entertaining and show everyone what we’re about. We’re not a boring band, so to go out and play live and see people enjoying themselves is great and making music that people actually want to listen to is what makes it all worthwhile. Our fan base is still growing.
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live show?
Loads of energy, harmonies, shouting, loudness and sweat.
06 Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
I write all the songs, usually just sitting in my room on my acoustic guitar I then bring them to rehearsal and the pieces of the puzzle all come together. The songs are usually about everyday life, being a slave to society, finding things to get away from it or sometimes just random made up scenarios that paint a picture. All my songs always have a hidden meaning within, you have to look closer into wisdom.
07 How has your music evolved since you first began playing?
Our music has evolved loads since we first started, when we started playing original music the songs were very straight forward, upbeat and Punky, they weren’t Punk songs but they had that Punk energy. Our music evolved over time and my songwriting had a big influence in that, it started to evolve into a more progressive sound with the use of guitar effects and improvisation. We got told that our music had some psychedelic influences creeping in and I liked the idea of that and started writing songs that had a bit more of a psychedelic influence, that isn’t the case with all our songs, but now a lot of our best tunes have a nice psychedelic twang to them. We’re now an Indie Psych band I would say rather than the Punk/Garage band that we started out like.
08 What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Were you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
Rehearsing was a big problem for a while, there was arguments over it because I wanted to rehearse and the others wouldn’t or couldn’t and it was annoying me because I wanted to play new songs and get tighter as a band. Getting a space to rehearse was the other problem because of where all the gear was and we kept getting kicked out of churches and everything was just getting to complicated. Eventually Steve, a very good friend and helper to the band sorted us a rehearsal spot in a night-club venue, which meant we could leave our gear there and rehearse there a couple of times a week. Sorted.
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
We do sometimes play covers, but only in pub sets or sets where we are playing to people who are already pissed and just want to hear the same old covers. If there was any song we could cover I’d go with ‘the Inception’ theme tune, with a full orchestra and everything.
10 Where do you envisage being in five years time?
I think in 5 years time, we will be eating out of bins and begging for spare change. But I do hope we’re headlining Post Fest. *(That’s a slightly smaller IOW festival by the way).
11 Who would you most like to record with?
Would love to record with Kevin Parker, he created Tame Impala, he’s a genius, he could make us sound like the universe sitting inside a sea shell.
12 What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
You should be expecting The Orders to be making a big impact. More records, more gigs, more orders. You can buy a copy of our signle via the link below!
Web Links
Instagram – @the_orders
Twitter – @the_ordersuk
Buy record here – £8.50 including p&p