DozenQ – Deadphonecalls

Max Cossu (alias Deadphonecalls) decided to start his own project a few years ago, but only released his first album Calls to the dead phone in 2014. After the two dance singles released along with Mel Project – Black Day (2001) and Whistle’s Song (2002), and after several years spent as a drummer, playing blues-rock-pop cover songs in various bands in Italy and Czech Republic, Max decided to devote himself entirely to the composition and the development of
his own project.
01. How did you get started in music?
I started to play and write music ever since I was a teenager. I started to play drums at the age of 14, then, after few months of studies,
I had my first cover band!
02 .Where did your direction come from?
It’s difficult to say… For sure I hope to take the right direction in order to create great music!
03. Who were your major influences and inspirations?
I have so many and different influences related with so many kinds of music (from rock to pop, passing through blues, dark and more…) . But Let’s say that my main background remains in the electro pop of the 80s.
04. What inspires you to make your current type of songs and sound?
Certainly, the sense of mystery and the unknown worlds.
05. What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your shows?
I started my project as a conceptual idea and honestly, I did’t plan yet any live activity. In any case, I have my own idea of what should be a Deadphonecalls tour that is quite different from the typical idea of what a tour should be. I’m actually working also to develop this idea!
06. How do you begin writing your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
In this first album the main themes are death and incommunicability. But, in general, my inspiration can change in according to what I’m living in a specific moment. As I said before, I’m strongly attracted by the sense of mystery, and it takes the first place when I have to find inspiration.
07. How has your music evolved since you first began playing?
At the beginning I was mainly focused in playing only cover songs. Then (as a composer) I’ve started to produce Dance singles distributed by a large Italian label. And now I am focused on a creation of intimate sounds and atmospheres that match better with me and my music.
08. What has been your biggest challenge? How were you able to overcome this?
My biggest challenge has been to continue in all these years to produce music and maintain a big passion for the things I do, for the music I create and for the music that I like to listen, in spite of difficult and problems. So in this case I think that I won this challenge!
09. If you could pick any song, what would you like to cover most and why?
A few days ago I covered Loverman by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds,( you can find it on my youtube channel). I love so much this song because it’s so strong and shows the dark side of man. But there are more upcoming covers such as Here comes the rain again by Eurythmics , or Love is blindnessby U2 that will be available in few days…
10. Where do you envisage being in five years time?
I hope to be in the same mood I am now, and doing exactly what I am doing now… So composing and playing music, and thinking about the next project!
11. Who would you most like to record with?
There are so many great musicians and composers, impossible to say just one name!
12. What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
In about 1 month (or maybe more) I’m planning the upcoming of my second single and my first solo album. Both (album and song) are titled
Calls to the dead phone.
Web Links:
Link to buy the current single: