‘Chelsea Jeff’ as he is known to his close associates is a long term lover and supporter of various Genres and musical styles and is often the DJ of choice for various established Bands because of his diverse range of well put together selections. Eyeplug recently caught up with him to find out what makes him tick!
1. What were your early musical influences?
Firslty 60’s Beat groups 60’s Soul then onto Glam Rock and also Ska!
2. What sort of Music do your gravitate towards generally?
3. What have been the bands or sounds that have always been in your play-list or record box?
A mix of Garage, Punk, Mod and Rare Groove!
4. What about the Formats available, your thoughts on Vinyl, CD and MP3?
I prefer Vinyl.
5. Any Current Bands that you feel seem to be producing the goods?
There are lots of good young bands if you are willing to look hard enough. Like the new Miles Kane album and I also bought the new one by Magazine.
6. What can we expect to hear on your show or during your Sets?
Usualy old Soul and Funk, Bowie, Punk and various Mod stuff.
7. Anything that you Really Hate and Why?
I am not a massive fan of Prog/Metal!
8. What about Requests?
I Don’t mind requests as long as its not Genesis LOL!
9. Tell us what you are up to at the Moment, where can we catch you playing etc?
10. Your thoughts on the future and things that excite you Beyond Music?
I like to travel, spend time buying decent clothes and also watching Chelsea win (hopefully)!
11. Have you met or Worked with anyone Interesting on your Musical journey?
John Lydon amongst many others!
12. Top Fave Tunes Right Now?
Enjoying the Soul/Jazz albums I recently bought in Soho + the new Magazine album !