Describing their sound as “Efficacious Poetic Fervor,” Los Angeles’s Backnbloom flaunts a sleek mix of nostalgic, well-read indie rock with harmonious, complex sonic layers, grooving rhythms and a sprinkling of electric violin.
It all started in a cramped Hollywood apartment where Lori Steele and Alberto Beka penciled ideas, programmed drums and keyboards while waiting for a break in traffic and yells from the alley to cease so that the emotionally charged vocals could be recorded. Unplugging the fridge also helped.
Backnbloom’s single, Heed the Flashes, is mixed by Mark Needham (The Killers) and is on their full album, Music For The Modern Monkey.
Link to stream and buy the album: backnbloom.bandcamp.com
Link to buy the current single: USA itunes link: itunes.apple.com/us/album/music-for-the-modern-monkey
01 How did you get started in music?
Alberto: Listening to Nirvana started everything for me.
Lori: I got started with butter and a ruler. My parents had my brother and me choose an instrument when we were young and I chose the violin. Why? I have no clue, but apparently they didn’t make one large enough for a toddler so I started off with a ruler taped to a butter box; learning how to hold it and take care of a real violin before I could get my hands on it. Butter boxes are pretty flimsy for a three year old.
02 Where did your direction come from?
Lori: The more time we spend writing together the more we find that special niche of music that we both enjoy creating. Alberto will like a style of music that I’m not keen on and vice-verse, but we WILL find elements within each style that we love, and those “synced” ideas, sounds and feelings are what we focus on to create something innately Backnbloom.
03 Who were your major influences and inspirations and who do you despise?
Alberto: My influences are The Beatles, Radiohead and Pink Floyd and I despise any and all Mariachi music.
Lori: This is the toughest question for me because I can never think of any major influences. I listen to and enjoy all styes of music, even went to a two hour long sitar concert once. I can easily roll off what I utterly detest, though. Rap music that disrespects and degrades women. Period.
04 What inspires you to make your current type of songs and sound?
Lori: We’re lyrically inspired by personal life events, nature and anything that we instantly find profound or just outright silly. Sonically we love melodies that move you to feel something and sounds that get you – like a buzz in your gut from an amazing bass line.
Alberto: And Lori likes anything that sounds like a Game Boy or Atari.
05 What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your live shows then & possibly even now?
Alberto: Our live shows continuously change and evolve, so no one show is alike.
Lori: What someone can always count on though is high energy, excitement, audience participation and a visible passion for what we do and want to share.
06 How do you begin your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
Lori: Each song writing process differs. Sometimes one of us will have a melody stuck in our head and we build the song around that. Other times, there may be a lyrical phrase that catches our heart and we create melodies and a storyline from that simple phrase. Themes that we write run the gamut from making sense of the non-nonsensical (like noticing a post-it note bent a certain way with a mark on it and going from there) to making the future a reality. Regardless of theme extremities we always focus on inspiring people to think outside of the box, take responsibility for their actions, really look at the world and people around them, that today is a new day to try again, a new hour, a new minute even, you don’t have to make lemonade out of lemons: make a tart, a facial toner, a hat for your gerbil… just make something.
07 How did your music evolved since you first began playing?
Alberto: Our music evolved as we have grown personally. We’ve each become more distinct in what moves us, not trying to please everyone but truly listening to ourselves and then mixing our two “selves” together; which often makes for a pretty diverse mash-up. We are always open to evolving, mixing up and pushing boundaries within multiple genres. Except for mariachi.
08 What has been your biggest challenge? Have you been able to overcome this? If so, how?
Lori: Verbally expressing the sounds that we have in our head to the other person is so freaking challenging. I could hear a sound and describe it as the fluffy, white icing on a cupcake that’s been sprayed with pale blue and Alberto would just look at me, with no expression, like “What on earth are you talking about” So then I try another descriptive, then another and man, it’s an overcoming process, but were getting much better at understanding how the other one sees and hears music.
09 Do you play covers? If you could pick any song, which would you like to cover most and why?
Lori: We enjoy adding our own flair to any covers that we play. For instance, at our last show we started playing a Beatles song that directly led directly into our song Flicker, seamlessly.
Alberto: We would love to cover any song by Bob Marley. Why? It’s Bob Marley.
10 Where did you envisage being in five years time?
Alberto: Continuing to inspire and connect with people through music.
11 Who would you most like to record with?
Lori: Without a doubt, Moby. He’s an amazing producer, writer, performer and Deejay. We would lean so much from him and it would b e absolutely fantastic to be a product of and experience his creativity directly.
Alberto: …and to steal all of his tricks.
12 What should we be expecting from you in the near future?
Lori: We just finished writing almost two hours of instrumental tracks for fitness DVD that’s a cool take on yoga called Electroga: The electrified yoga workout.
Alberto: Lori created the idea and wrote out sequences that we then created the music for. Three seconds here, twenty seconds there, very specific guidelines to work within and then each mini-song blends into the next for each workout.
Lori: The whole writing process has been amazing. Alberto came up with killer hooks and sounds, and created so many song ideas that I feel like I’m in a candy store whenever I listen to any of the four tracks. We piled over SIXTY songs into those four tracks, so it’s a pretty big candy store. I can’t wait for the release of the DVD in the late summer, early fall of this year.
Alberto: And true to Lori’s love of Game Boy, Atari and all things ’80s the wardrobe is a pure kickback to the Jane Fonda, Jazzercise, scrunchie, and legwarmer crap.
Lori: How do you know what a scrunchie is?
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