DozenQ – I Like The GoGo

Formed in Brighton in November 2012, I Like The GoGo have pushed their way, kicking and screaming into the front of UK Garage scene. Their release of self titled E.P “I Like The GoGo” in the winter of 2012 saw them firmly establishing themselves amongst their peers, with fans such as Billy Childish and Nick Cave singing their praises. Recorded on to tape at the Rat Rooms in London, producer Tim Garratt realised the importance of the “raw sound” the boys were creating and produced each track in such a way as to capture that energy. Along with collaboration from friend and poet “The Freewheelin Troubadour” I Like The GoGo’s E.P was hailed as one of the stand out British garage E.P’s of 2013 with numerous plays on Radio 6, Cutters Choice Radio and BBC South.
These “two shouty fellas” (Benn and Ross) then went on to do a series of gigs including numerous support slots with friends and fellow punk two piece “Slaves” and the ”Fat White Family” as well as supporting “Shannon and the Clams” in the summer of 2013. These live shows are what have given Benn and Ross their reputation as pure raw sound makers. Well timed drums, screeching guitars whilst matched with shouty vocals and tight harmonies make this sharp looking two-piece a powerhouse when it comes to their live shows.
Now with the release of their video for single “Crystal Rock” in tow as well as a short summer tour with band “Weak Nerves”, Benn and Ross are looking forward to bringing what they do to the rest of the UK. “Crystal Rock” infuses all the energy the band has including those tight shouty harmonies. Showing the bands influences, including British Punk and 60’s Garage, Crystal Rock’s four chord structure is catchy and immediately recognisable. Shot on Super 8 film the videos director, Chris Hugall, was keen to shoot a video that really captured the spirit and nature of song as well as the boys. Chris’s unique style of shooting (made popular through recent Slaves video “Where’s Your Car Debbie”) really complemented the visual aspects that the boys were trying to produce in their music proving “Crystal Rock” to be the perfect video to be released in conjunction with their May tour.
01. How did your band get together?
I Like The GoGo were founded in the summer of 2012. Friends, (Benn and Ross) after both playing in various bands decided that it was time to do something a bit different and so started up a two piece. After a few practices and a fair amount of alcohol, I Like The GoGo was formed.
02. Where did your name come from?
The name came from a random drunk night at one of the boy’s friend’s houses. An obscure Vietnamese Rhythm and Blues track was being played which had the lyrics “I like the gogo”. It was immediately snapped up! Also they are a fan of the female The Go Go’s (happy coincidence).
03. Who were your major influences and inspirations?
Benn and Ross both came to the band with very different influences and was complete pot luck that they worked. Benn’s background in punk music lead him to listen to bands such as The Clash, The Gories ect.
Whereas Ross’s 60’s Soul/Garage influences help to compliment the driving guitar sound, with influences such as Shocking Blue, The Blue Comets and various 60’s Garage Punk bands.
04. What drove you to make music together?
They started making music just out of a general necessity to make noise and make good raucous music.
05. What can someone who has never seen you live before expect from your shows?
The live shows are where I Like The GoGo come into their own. As one reviewer put it “I was hit in the face by the big bulgy sounds of I Like The GoGo). It’s the boys aim to get everyone dancing and if you’re not, you’ll get pulled up on stage and made to sing a solo.
06. Who writes your songs? What types of themes and subjects do you deal with?
Ben will normally have the melody for the song, bring it too rehearsal and Ross will pick up on the drum beat. Words come later as for the boys, its all about the driving energy of the tunes. The song’s subjects are fairly common with tunes about girls and booze being at the forefront. Their latest video release for single “Crystal Rock” is all about love, but proving that a love song doesn’t’ have to be mushy and will get you dancing.
07. How has your music evolved since you first began playing together?
When they started playing the boys had a very clear idea as to what they wanted to achieve. Most of the songs that they started writing at the start they are still performing live today.
08. What has been your biggest challenge as a band? How were you able to overcome this?
The biggest challenge the boys have is yet to come. Their summer tour starts on May the 16th so we are yet to see if they will sink or swim.
09. Does the band play covers? If so, do you argue over the choice of songs? Who usually gets his own way?
I Like The GoGo try not to play covers but during a few recent gigs they have taken to covering “Geno” by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. Proving to be a popular favourite amongst fans and peers alike.
10. What do you love and hate outside of music?
They love sitting on a beach and drinking… that’s about it. They hate when a bartender calls last orders.
11. Who would you most like to record with?
They would love to record with anyone! But have been approached by Billy Childish who offered the boys to record at his studio so who knows what will happen there.
12. What should we be expecting from the band in the near future?
In the near future you will expect to see the band hopefully live somewhere near you! With the release of their Video for single Crystal Rock and a new E.P on the way the future is looking bright for these two fuzzy fellas from Brighton.
Tour Dates
16th May, Tubman, Hastings
17th May, Mothers Ruin, Bristol
18th May, Old Blue Last, London
19th May, Jacks Basement, Manchester
20th May, Sanctuary, Basingstoke
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